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Submersible Dewatering Pumps
Submersible Dewatering Pumps
Submersible Dewatering Pumps range in stainless steel is designed for portable or fixed installation. Suitable for clean or light contaminated water like flooded basements, ground, and run off water.
With separate range for Submersible Dewatering Pumps for regular dewatering, heavy duty pumping dewatering, pumping out industrial waters & to pump out water in large volumes, we serve all segments of the industries.
Application of Submersible Dewatering Pumps has lot of challenges. Dewatering sites are generally open to sky, prone to large amount of mud & debris & are often unmanned. Pumps need to be moved to multiple locations & thus need to be easily portable. Pumps movement, fitment & electrical connections are often done by unskilled labourer & thus pumps are prone to damage during its movement or faulty electrical connections. Many a times due to ignorance, omission or un foreseen emergency pumps are put in to operation directly on main supply without using control panel in between. Due to this, pumps are generally exposed to erratic power supply, whether used on electrical supply or supply through genset. Site engineers frequently encounter breakdown of pump sets due to dry running, single phasing or mechanical jamming.
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